Ford, Toyota Connected Cars Tech Could Reduce Crashes

April 18, 2018
Ford and Toyota are investing heavily in connected cars that ideally lead to an 80 percent reduction in crashes.

April 18, 2018—Ford and Toyota are investing heavily in connected cars that ideally lead to a reduction in crashes.

Toyota Motor Corp. plans to start selling U.S. vehicles that can talk to each other using short-range wireless technology in 2021, the Japanese automaker said on Monday, reported the Insurance Journal.

In March, Ford announced its new lineup of connected trucks, SUVs and hybrids for 2020. 

The Obama administration in December 2016 proposed making vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) connectivity a standard in light vehicles. Along with vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), which will help transportation planners integrate technologies to allow vehicles to "talk" to roadway infrastructure like traffic lights, V2V could prevent crashes every year. 

NHTSA at the same time estimated that V2V and V2I could eliminate severity of up to 80 percent of non-impaired crashes. 

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