Mitchell 1 Releases Management System Training Videos

June 3, 2016

June 3, 2016—Mitchell 1 announced Thursday that it has released a series of new training videos for its repair shop management system.

The videos are accessible through the Get2Know Training Center on the Mitchell 1 website or by clicking on the “Training Videos—How Do I” link in Manager SE.

Videos range in length from one to three minutes long and are organized into five playlist covering topics including:

  • Set-up and configurations
  • Work-in-progress, customer and vehicle screens
  • Order revision, history screens
  • The all-new scheduling tool
  • Inventory, purchase orders and reports

“These videos are designed to help our users get the most value from the powerful features in Manager SE to energize their business, increase profit and boost productivity,” said Tim McDonnell, national training manager for Mitchell 1. “Delivering these videos via the Internet makes it easy for users to access them anytime and from any device—computer, tablet or phone. This ensures they always have the latest training to go with our dynamic shop management system.”

After viewing the videos, users can test their knowledge with a 20-question quiz and after passing with a score of 85 percent or better, can print or save a certificate of completion.

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