Numbers: The Shop of the Future

Nov. 25, 2022

With the 2030s a little more than seven years away, we take a look at shop owners' attitudes about ADAS and what their biggest investment focus will be in the next five years. 

While there are more ICEs on the road now than ever, tomorrow’s streets and highways will start to look a little different. Industry trends like ADAS and electric vehicles (EVs) are looking to take center stage as the next advances in automotive technology. While just 17 percent of respondents are currently set up for ADAS work, 61 percent intend to invest in the technology by 2027. 

As we get closer to 2030 when EVs are expected to become more common, 41 percent of shop owners are planning to be prepared for them in the next five years. 

Shops Equipped for ADAS 

Yes: 17% 

No: 83% 

Five-Year Investment Focus 

ADAS: 61% 

EVs: 41% 

About the Author

Chris Jones | Editor

Chris Jones is the editor of Ratchet+Wrench magazine and host of its companion podcast, Ratchet+Wrench Radio, a weekly show featuring automotive professionals across the auto care landscape.

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